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Customer Relations 101: The CRM

Looking to grow your business? You’re not the only one! Millions of businesses are fighting to stay open and learn how to get customers to go from casual experiencers to brand ambassadors. And the trick is, how to do it isn’t as hard as you think!


Most business owners have to wear many hats, including the hat of a salesperson. But you don’t need to go back to school to learn the fundamentals of customer relations and sales!

Interested in learning more? Here’s your crash course into the most important tool you have as a business owner: the CRM.


Customer Relations Management


Your CRM, or Customer Relations Management software, is the brains behind your entire operation. Whenever your customer signs up for customer loyalty, their contact information and any other data you might have goes into the CRM. From here, you can access these records, but more importantly, tailor your marketing campaign directly to them!


Sounds complicated? It’s easier than you may think! If you already have a Customer Loyalty program, then you probably already have a CRM! Any list of clients and contacts can be put into a CRM for this information to become easier to handle.

Using the CRM


Alright, you now know what a CRM is, but now what?


That one is simple! You start building campaigns to operate based on that CRM!


For example, let’s say you want to reach out to all of your customers that haven’t seen you in a while and offer a discount code. Back in the day, you might have needed to look into each person and do lots of time-consuming research. But not with a CRM!


CRMs like the one Franpos offers to all clients have triggers built right into their system. So consider this: you want to launch that discount code to people who haven’t visited. You write up one message, tell the CRM to send it to all customers who haven’t visited in a certain amount of time, and the CRM does the rest for you!


CRMs can do a whole lot using that information. You can automatically send out birthday or anniversary messages, reward big spenders, or market a new product only to people who purchased a different product!


Your possibilities are truly endless with the CRM.

The Franpos Solution


Franpos knows it can be difficult hooking up a new CRM to your existing register and relations program. Which is why Franpos has an all-in-one system designed to take the stress out of all of it!


Only with Franpos can you clock your customers in, process online orders, manage your CRM, and look at your deep customer and sales data all from one place! Franpos is a unified, singular platform that’s designed (and proven!) to grow your business.


Want to learn more about the CRM and Franpos solution? Schedule a free demo today and see why hundreds choose the Franpos solution to grow their business.

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