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Pet Store Growth For 2021—Tips For The Summer Season!

Summer is here—and lots of people and their pets are out enjoying the sun! With more people than ever looking to travel in 2021, it’s a great time to start thinking about ways to market to the increased traffic around your store.


You may also want to take advantage of the times to ensure your business can make up for lost revenue in 2020. No matter your goals, this is a perfect time to implement changes to make sure the rest of 2021 can more than surpass your goals.


Check out our tips for keeping your pet store thriving this year and beyond!

Talk to Your Customers (and Their Pets)!

Pet store owners have a lot to deal with—so sometimes, they forget the most important rule of small business ownership, and that’s talking! One of the biggest appeals for customers in utilizing smaller pet businesses is the ability to form a relationship and develop a strong bond with the owner.


By making an effort to ask your customers not only if they need your help, but if you can do anything for them goes a long way. It’s also good to chat about their pets and encourage them to bring them in to visit the store.


The more time you can spend talking to your customers, the better. And if you don’t have the time, our next tips might be able to help with that!

Get Smart and Get Automated

Your store needs the powerful automation tools that the big box stores have to really unlock the power of your customers—but a lot of the time, those tools are too expensive or too complicated for business owners to use!


That’s why we recommend getting a system like Franpos Growth Marketing in place. With Franpos, you set and forget—spending just one evening drafting messages and setting a few triggers we’ve made just for you to maximize revenue growth.


Want to send an email offering a discount on your customer’s birthday? How about their pet’s birthday? Or maybe text a customer that hasn’t visited in a few days?


It’s all possible with the Franpos system, and it’s not expensive either! But no matter which system you go with, you need to get automated tools—it’ll give you time to do other things while being able to maximize your customer service platform.

Make Your Online Presence Pop!

What happens when you type in your business on Google? Do you find great reviews and your beautiful online website? Or do you find three-year-old reviews trashing the old owner?


Making your online store pop takes only a few simple tools and a bit of ingenuity. With a system like Franpos, you can automate reviews—sending out a survey to each customer and making it easier than ever for them to leave you great reviews. And you can even use our custom website template to start selling online!


No matter what you do, you need your online store to really shine. And if you’re interested, we can schedule a free demo for you soon and show you why hundreds of pet stores have chosen Franpos to grow their business.


We hope 2021 is the best year yet for your pet store!

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