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How Stores Can Increase Sales Over Halloween

Halloween is coming—and Franpos wanted to share a few ideas for how stores can capitalize on the holiday season.

As social distancing guidelines remain in place in some areas, it’s time to get creative about ways to increase revenues.

Let’s focus othree ways businesses can increase sales in congruence to the Halloween season. 

Get Creative  

When it comes to themed marketing efforts, in-store decorations, or Halloween discounts, a little can go a long way.

At Franpos, our marketing experts are always designing marketing campaigns around current trends.

With this tactic, campaign conversions are higher because we are relevantly marketing to customers.

In the retail market, Halloween styled campaigns may include verbiage such as:

  • “Scary Discounts” 
  • “Spooky Savings” 
  • “Terrifying T-shirt Deals” 


Although these verbiages may seem cliché, customers actually respond well to seasoned campaigns and enjoy participating in the collective event.

Especially in 2020, where we are all craving normalcy, running a fun, Halloween themed campaign or discount may give your customer’s the mental break they’re looking for.

When it comes to in-store sales, investing a small amount to add Halloween decorations may please your customer’s senses. As sensory experiences are known to heighten moods, this may result in happier paying customers.

With Halloween decorations for your client to experience, buyers may be reminded they are a part of a bigger community and feel connected to the fun and light-hearted season. 

As it comes to eCommerce, we advise our clients to add small changes to make their websites a bit more ‘spooky.’ With minor changes in verbiage, pictures, or colors, a Halloween themed website can increase your customer’s desire for your brand.

As customers love trends and fun experiences, the smallest changes to your website by making it ‘themed’ can be an exciting change to what your customer is used to seeing.


If Possible, Host an Outdoor Event


We understand the impact 2020 has had on emotions, finances, and businesses. 

We understand the hesitancy of in-person shopping, so we are advising our customers to step outside the box (and the store)!

Whether you are in a strip-mall, or an individual retail store, opening your doors for a fun ‘costume party’ may be a great way for customers to interact with your brand.

We understand social distancing and other guidelines must be in place, but that should not stop your brand from considering creative and safe ways to give customers a fun experience!

Even if you have to host a little event physically outside of your store, the weather is beautiful and the spooky season is here for us to enjoy!

For example, one of our clients, Real Deals, is hosting a ‘Witches Night Out’ at their retail store.

Keeping safety guidelines in mind, they are hosting a creative and exciting event for their customers to experience Halloween themed discounts, along with an opportunity to connect with others. 

Along with an in-store experience, Real Deals is hosting a ‘Witches Night Out’ event online for customers who cannot physically experience the event.

We think this is an amazing idea to bring customers together and simultaneously keep the brand at the forefront of the communities’ mind.

At Franpos, we advise our customers to try and partake in some type of Halloween themed event. Whether it should be celebrated inside, outside, or virtuallypositivity and safe events can only help your brand.


Utilize Loyalty Points


Every successful business has loyal customers. Whether that customer base or larger or smaller, it does not matter.

As long as your business has loyal customers of some kind, you are in a great place.

It is statically known that 80% of sales come from 20% of your customer base. That means if you have 100 customers a month, 80% of your sales would have been from 20 loyal customers.

Everyone likes to feel a part of an exclusive group or idea, and businesses can utilize that mindset to their advantage.

Whether you want to offer your loyalty members exclusive BOGO deals, or even a free Halloween discount or treat – utilizing and appealing to that top 20% is a great tactic.

You know your customers best – so market to them accordingly. We know the impact of loyalty incentives because they keep customers coming to your store.

Utilize these efforts by appealing to your top 20% in whatever way works best for your business.


Final Thoughts


Halloween is a fun and light-hearted holiday that provides a lot of creative opportunities for businesses.

Through seasonal discounts, decorations, and marketing efforts, combined with events and strategic loyalty point utilization, we truly believe you can increase your revenues over the Halloween season.

Although this article is focused on Halloween, these marketing strategies can be applied to your business for any holiday season.

At Franpos, we are always thinking outside the box.

If you are looking to expand your strategies when it comes to your customers, you may book a free demo with one of our marketing experts Here.

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